The film centers around the life of Taran, who loses her fiance Amar in a skiing accident. Her life changes when she meets Shekhar, who has seen the best and worst of times. The story explores old friendship, newfound love and a difficult decision.
Genre: Drama, Romance Actors: Aashim Gulati, Aditya Seal, Aisha Ahmed, Alishah Ahmad, Ashley Napier, Chris Donald, Davinder Madan, Edward York, Emma Sarah Richardson, Farah Ahmed, Harry Verma, Ishwak Singh, Kanwaljit Singh, Meher Vij, Mouni Roy, Neha Sharma, Nicola Jane Macdonald, Rom Blanco, Samuel Gilbert-Davies, Sandali Sinha, Sonia Balani, Stephanie Payne Directors: Anubhav Sinha