The tumultuous life of Bobby DeBarge, the former lead singer of 70’s R&B/Funk Band Switch, and the eldest sibling of the world-famous pop group DeBarge. Despite his success in music, the iconic falsetto found his life in peril as he struggled with fame and fortune while coping with the memories of his dysfunctional childhood.
Genre: Drama, Music Actors: Adrian Marcel, Big Boi, Brittany Mayti, Bruno Rose, Chris Steele, Clarence Powell, Echefulam Madubuike, Ethan McDowell, Ghevon Sebastian, Ivana J. Lewis, Jason Turner, Jaxon Petruski, Jaye Walker, Jennifer 'Ms Fer' Russell, Kaden Mcmillion, Laila Odom, Lana Young, Leah Monet, Lloyd Polite, Maiya Boyd, Marie Burke, Matt Borlenghi, Miko DeFoor, Rodman Randolph, Romeo Ballantine, Roshon Fegan, Shea Stewart, Steven Anthony Washington, Sydney Mitchell, Tyler Kay Whitley, Tyra Ferrell Directors: Russ Parr