In an alternate universe where twinned worlds have opposite gravities, a young man battles interplanetary prejudice and the laws of physics in his quest to reunite with the long-lost girl of his dreams in this visually stunning romantic adventure that poses the question: what if love was stronger than gravity?
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction Actors: Al Dubois, Alan Fawcett, Alex Bisping, Angie Larocque, Blu Mankuma, Carolyn Guillet, Cole K. Mickenzie, David Alexandre, Don Jordan, Edward Langham, Elliott Larson, Emma Stevens, Francine Pilote, Francis B. Goldberg, Francois Cote, George Mantis, Heidi Hawkins, Holden Wong, Holly Uloth, James Kidnie, Janine Theriault, Jayne Heitmeyer, Jean-Marc Dalphond, Jesse Sherman, Jim Sturgess, John Maclaren, Kate Trotter, Keir Cutler, Kirsten Dunst, Larry Day, Matt Holland, Maurane Arcand, Miranda Handford, Nicholas Rose, Noël Burton, Pablo Verón, Patrick Costello, Paul Ahmarani, Paul Burke, Paul van Dyck, Pierre LeBlanc, Richard Zeman, Robert Higden, Timothy Spall, Vincent Messina, Vlasta Vrána Directors: Juan Diego Solanas