The story begins with three teens coming to Bangalore for their engineering education and getting involved in a fight with seniors. They find a local gangster named Ranga to help them take revenge. The events, after meeting him, takes them through a journey, which seemed like a dream at first but soon turned into a nightmare.
Genre: Action, Comedy Actors: Afaan Arakkal, Ashish Vidhyarthi, Fahadh Faasil, Freestyle Krishna, Hari Shivaram, Himanshu, Hipster, Krishna Kumar, Mansoor Ali Khan, Midhun Midhutty, Mithun Jai Sankar, Neeraja Rajendran, Pooja Mohanraj, Pramod Veliyanad, Preeti Bharadwaj, Roshan Shanavas, Sajin Gopu, Vyshnav Babu Directors: Jithu Madhavan Production: Anwar Rasheed Entertainments, Fahadh Faasil and Friends Private Limited