The powerful story of Jackie Robinson, the legendary baseball player who broke Major League Baseball’s color barrier when he joined the roster of the Brooklyn Dodgers. The film follows the innovative Dodgers’ general manager Branch Rickey, the MLB executive who first signed Robinson to the minors and then helped to bring him up to the show.
Genre: Drama Actors: Alan Tudyk, André Holland, Brad Beyer, Brett Cullen, Chadwick Boseman, Christopher Meloni, Gino Anthony Pesi, Hamish Linklater, Harrison Ford, Henry G. Sanders, James Pickens Jr., Jennifer Cocker, Jeremy Ray Taylor, John C. McGinley, Jud Tylor, Kelley Jakle, Lucas Black, Marc Gowan, Max Gail, Nickolas Wolf, Nicole Beharie, Peter MacKenzie, Ryan Merriman, T.R. Knight, Toby Huss Directors: Brian Helgeland